
Keynote Address 

The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Mark Gross of Carnegie Mellon University. The title and abstract of the keynote will be made available in the near future.

Mark D. Gross ()

Professor, School of Architecture
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Mark D. Gross teaches computational design at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Architecture and also directs the Computational Design (CoDe) Lab there. His research interests include understanding design processes and developing computational environments based on this understanding, coordination of team design work, and human-computer interfaces, construction kits, architectural robotics, and tangible interaction. He is currently working on computationally enhanced construction kits and craft technologies in the digital age; and in June 2007 co-taught a summer school workshop on interdisciplinary design research at CMU.

Gross received a BS in Architectural Design and Ph.D. in Design Theory and Methods, both from MIT. He joined Carnegie Mellon's faculty in September 2004. Prior to Carnegie Mellon, Gross was on the faculty five years at the University of Washington in 1999 where he co-directed the Design Machine Group, and for nine years at the University of Colorado. He worked at Negroponte's Architecture Machine Group, Papert's MIT Logo Lab, and Atari Cambridge Research before joining the faculty at Colorado. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture.

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