Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
August 1-2, 2009 · New Orleans, LA, USA
Co-located with SIGGRAPH 2009
First started in 2004, the sixth Eurographics/ACM Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
provides a unique venue for researchers, students and practitioners
interested in sketch-based techniques to interact with one another, share lessons learned, show
new results and discuss open issues. This year, the workshop will be held in New Orleans,
Louisiana, and will be co-located with the 36th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer
Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 ).
The two day workshop will include paper presentations (single-track), coffee breaks, a social event
and a keynote talk by Dr. Mark Gross of Carnegie Mellon University. All are welcome to attend the
workshop; submission of a paper is not required for attendance. The proceedings will be published
in the EG symposia series and made available online through the Eurographics and ACM Digital Libraries.
News and Announcements
Aug-11-2009 |
The following authors have been invited to submit extended and modified versions of their conference papers for
consideration to be included in a special section of
Computers and Graphics,
subject to a two-tier review process.
- A Descriptor for Large Scale Image Retrieval based on Sketched Feature Lines
Authors: Mathias Eitz, Marc Alexa, Tamy Boubekeur, and Kristian Hildebrand
- Modeling from Contour Drawings
Authors: Vladislav Kraevoy, Michiel van de Panne, and Alla Sheffer
- Revisiting ShortStraw - Improving Corner Finding in Sketch-Based Interfaces
Authors: Yiyan Xiong and Joseph J. LaViola
- The Effect of Task on Classification Accuracy: Using Gesture Recognition Techniques in Free-Sketch Recognition
Authors: Martin Field, Sam Gordon, Eric Peterson, Raquel Robinson, Tom Stahovich, and Christine Alvarado
- On Expert Performance in 3D Curve-Drawing Tasks
Authors: Ryan Schmidt, Azam Khan, Karan Singh, and Gord Kurtenbach
Jul-29-2009 |
Saturday's dinner banquet will be held at 7.30pm at
Contact Nathan Carr asap for additional tickets for guests($70).
Note for Presenters: 20 minute talks + 5 minute questions (Laptop available if needed). [...] |
Jun-29-2009 |
NPAR events have been added to the program. |
Instructions on how to register only to SBIM (and not SIGGRAPH). |
Jun-22-2009 |
Conference registration pricing is now online. |
Jun-15-2009 |
Conference registration and hotel information is now online |
Jun-04-2009 |
Conference program is now online |
May-22-2009 |
Decisions to be notified on May 25th, and camera ready papers due June 10th. |
Apr-21-2009 |
Paper submissions are now closed. Decisions will be notified on the 20th May. |
Apr-11-2009 |
Paper deadline extended to the 20th April. |
Feb-24-2009 |
Paper formatting and submission information is now online. |
Dec-15-2008 |
Program committee is now online. |
Nov-12-2008 |
Conference website is now online |
Conference Organization
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