

Note for presenters:
Talks are 20 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. There will be a laptop available if needed, but please feel free to bring your own.

Saturday August 1st

8:30 Registration opens
9:00-10:30 Hello plus Keynote (Mark D. Gross)
10:45-12:15 Sketching, Comics and Images
Sketch-Based Interaction and Calligraphic Tags to Create Comics Online
Authors: Manuel J. Fonseca, Ricardo Abreu Lopes, Tiago Cardoso, and Nelson Silva
A Sketch-based interface for photo pop-up
Authors: Jonathan Ventura, Stephen DiVerdi and Tobias Hallerer
A Descriptor for Large Scale Image Retrieval based on Sketched Feature Lines
Authors: Mathias Eitz, Marc Alexa, Tamy Boubekeur, and Kristian Hildebrand
12:15-1:30 Lunch break on your own
1:30-3:00 Sketching and Surfaces
Modeling from Contour Drawings
Authors: Vladislav Kraevoy, Michiel van de Panne, and Alla Sheffer
Editing Level-Set Models with Sketched Curves
Manolya Eyiyurekli, Cindy Grimm, and David Breen
Sketch-Based Subdivision Surfaces
Authors: Ahmad Nasri, Faramarz Samavati, and Wajih Halim Bou Karam
3:15-4:45 Modeling Beautifully with Multi-touch
Sketching Subdivision Surfaces
Authors: Matthias Bein, Sven Havemann, and Andre Stork
Towards Beautification of Freehand Sketches using Suggestions
Authors: Sundar Murugappan and Karthik Ramani
Multi-touch Focus+Context Sketch-based Interaction
Authors: Uwe Hahne, Jonas Schild, Stefan Elstner, and Marc Alexa
7:30 Dinner banquet
NPAR and SPIM will be holding a joint banquet dinner on Saturday night at Mulate's, which is within walking distance of the convention center.
Dinner will be served at 7:30pm.
Additional tickets are $70 and include alcohol. Please let Nathan Carr know as soon as possible if you want to bring a guest.

Sunday August 2nd

9:00-10:30 Recognition Algorithms
Automatic Evaluation of Sketch Recognizers
Authors: Paul Schmieder and Beryl Plimmer
Sort, Merge, Repeat: An algorithm for Effectively Finding Corners in Hand-sketched Strokes
Authors: Aaron Wolin, Brandon Paulson and Tracy Hammond
Revisiting ShortStraw - Improving Corner Finding in Sketch-Based Interfaces
Authors: Yiyan Xiong and Joseph J. LaViola
10:45-12:15 Data Collection
The Effect of Task on Classification Accuracy: Using Gesture Recognition Techniques in Free-Sketch Recognition
Authors: Martin Field, Sam Gordon, Eric Peterson, Raquel Robinson, Tom Stahovich, and Christine Alvarado
Games for Sketch Data Collection
Authors: Gabe Johnson and Ellen Yi-Luen Do
Tools for the Efficient Generation of Hand-Drawn Corpora based on Context-Free Grammars
Authors: Scott MacLean, David Tausky, George Labahn, Edward Lank, and Mirette Marzouk
12:15-1:30 Lunch break on your own
1:30-3:30 User Studies
On Expert Performance in 3D Curve-Drawing Tasks
Authors: Ryan Schmidt, Azam Khan, Karan Singh, and Gord Kurtenbach
VolumeViewer: An Interactive Tool for Fitting Surfaces to Volume Data
Authors: Ross Sowell, Lu Liu, Tao Ju, Cindy Grimm, Christopher Abraham, Garima Gokhroo, and Daniel Low
A Usability Evaluation of AlgoSketch: A Pen-Based Application for Mathematics
Authors: Theresa O Connell, Timothy Miller, Joseph J. LaViola, and Robert Zeleznik
Shadow Buttons: Exposing WIMP-Functionality while Preserving the Inking Surface in Sketch-Based Interfaces
Authors: Diane Marinkas, Joseph J. LaViola, and Robert Zeleznik
3:30-3:45 Closing remarks
NPAR: Emulating the Masters and Artistic Interfaces
Note: This paper session is part of NPAR 2009 and is located at the convention center.
Stippling by Example
Authors: SungYe Kim, Ross Maciejewski, Tobias Isenberg, William M. Andrews, Wei Chen, Mario Costa Sousa, and David S. Ebert
Appearance-guided Synthesis of Element Arrangements by Example
Authors: Thomas Hurtut, Pierre-Edouard Landes, Joëlle Thollot, Yann Gousseau, Rémy Drouilhet, and Jean-François Coeurjolly
Airbrush Simulation for Artwork and Computer Modeling
Authors: Jonathan Konieczny and Gary Meyer
NPAR capstone talk and closing
Note: This talk is part of NPAR 2009 and is located at the convention center.

Copyright © SBIM 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Last Modified August 11, 2009. Developed and maintained by Sasakthi Abeysinghe